Think Spring (Cleaning) for Your Wine Cellar and Wines Finally, it’s springtime in the northern hemisphere! Our snows are receding farther and farther north, the sun is feeling spring warm, and just yesterday I noticed the very first buds of spring in our yard – on our lilac! So as we enter spring it’s not […]
In wine and the world: To Each His Each
The northern Minnesota, Iron Range town where my wife grew up was a true melting pot of immigrants from all over, salted heavily with Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, Croats, Irish, and Italians. This made for some wonderful sayings being handed down within families, around the town, and from family to family! One of those individuals was […]
What’s the son of an alcoholic doing with a wine cellar?
I never hide the fact I’m the son of an alcoholic. Consequently, there’s no reason for me to ignore this aspect of my life when writing about wines and our wine cellar. Everyone’s life is made up of experiences. When I look at mine I see a select few of what I call transformational […]
Scott’s Ten Solid Reasons to Keep a Wine Cellar
Scott’s Ten Solid Reasons to Keep a Wine Cellar: 1. More people ask “Will you show me your wine cellar?” than “Will you show me your stamp collection?” 2. Most liquor stores close late at night, but your cellar doesn’t. 3. It’s easy to find secret spots to hide the really good stuff. 4. In […]
A Wine Collector’s Epitaph?
When I die… Not to be morbid, but when I die I have no desire for my epitaph to be: “We’re sure glad he always bought crappy wine!” It’s actually odd I came to love good, all too often expensive, wines, and would start a cellar I’m beginning to have considerable pride in. My dad […]
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?
“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?” Les Emmerson Every wine cellar needs rules! Just as we use to avoid chaos in our cellar holdings, so we have rules to avoid similar challenges when it comes to using our […]