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Bittersweet Late Summer

Bittersweet Late Summer The sunsets are just a bit earlier. The mornings often carrying a touch of crisp. The lake noticeably quieter as the school year infringes on vacation times. Along the roadside colors are reaching out for an early foothold. While far from over, I find memories of summer – this and others past […]

Conversing with a glass of wine…

Some nights I miss my wife more than usual, especially this time of year. Often, no matter the hustle and bustle of our lives, she would insist we put the world aside, uncork a bottle of wine, snuggle, and talk. Often on our patio, at times the sofa, and if we were lucky it was […]

This is Dedicated to the One I Love!

Dedication Every good book, and many good stories, begin with a Dedication. I believe it should be the same with every wine cellar in the world.  However, I have to admit I’ve rarely seen any dedication plaques or notations in more than a rare few of the cellars I’ve visited. This being the case I’m […]


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